woensdag 7 november 2007

Zoekmachine woordenboek over Search
Het grootste woordenboek ter wereld is gelanceerd dat specifiek over het onderwerp zoekmachines en Google. Op jeroen.com/woordenboek worden meer dan 850 woorden zeer uitgebreid uitgelegd met achtergrondinformatie, de geschiedenis en ook kritiek. (Dutch Cowboys, 5 november 2007)

woensdag 24 oktober 2007

Nieuwe personenzoeker: WieOWie.nl
De nieuwe Nederlandse zoekmachine, Wieowie.nl, gericht op het zoeken naar personen krijgt kritiek van een HR-expert. De site wil verdienen aan betaalde toegang voor recruiters. (Emerce, 18 oktober 2007)
A Search Engine for Magazine Articles: MagPortal
MagPortal is a “search engine” for finding magazine articles from their large database. It also provides feeds for use on other websites. (Alt Search Engines, 13 oktober 2007)
30 Semantic Web Introductions, References, Guides, and Tutorials
Lijst met bronnen op het gebied van het semantische web. (Semantic Focus, 1 oktober 2007)
The 70 coolest free applications in existence

zondag 7 oktober 2007

23 Dingen
Cursus voor iedereen die zich vertrouwd wil maken met leuke, handige en leerzame dingen die je op het internet kunt doen. De cursus richt zich specifiek op medewerkers van bibliotheken.

zondag 30 september 2007

The Semantic Web, Collective Intelligence and Hyperdata
Response to a recent post by Tim O'Reilly which focused on disambiguating what the Semantic Web is and is not, as well as the subject of Collective Intelligence. (Minding the Planet, 18 september 2007)

zaterdag 29 september 2007

10 More Future Web Trends
10 web trends. (Read/WriteWeb, 25 september 2007)

Vervolg op: 10 Future Web Trends (Read/WriteWeb, 5 september 2007)
Turn Gmail into Your Social Brain
As social interactions and contact information get distributed across different services like Facebook and Twitter, it’s harder for you to keep track of all your contacts and what’s happening with them. (Web Worker Daily, 27 september 2007)

woensdag 12 september 2007

The world on your desktop
As the internet becomes intertwined with the real world, the resulting “geoweb” has many uses. (The Economist, 6 september 2007)
Search Engine History
Geschiedenis van de zoekmachines op Internet.

zondag 9 september 2007

A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries
Beautiful Libraries of the World. (Curious Expeditions, 6 september 2007)
Nieuwe website met historische informatie over Nederland
Wie geïnteresseerd is in de historische achtergrond van zijn omgeving, kan terecht op een nieuwe website: Watwaswaar.nl. De site, ondersteund door het ministerie van OC&W, biedt historische gegevens, luchtfoto's en oude kaarten van verschillende plekken in Nederland. (Nu.nl, 8 september 2007)
Your Own Google Books Library, and More
Google Books personaliseert: Reviews, RSS, 'Mijn Bibliotheek' en embedding van passages. (Google Blogoscoped, 6 september 2007)
Find a needle in a feedstack with Google Reader
Google Reader krijgt zoekoptie. (Official Google Blog, 6 september 2007)
Wikipedia gevisualiseerd.
Scientific citations in Wikipedia
The Internet–based encyclopædia Wikipedia has grown to become one of the most visited Web sites on the Internet, but critics have questioned the quality of entries. An empirical study of Wikipedia found errors in a 2005 sample of science entries. Biased coverage and lack of sources are among the “Wikipedia risks.” This paper describes a simple assessment of these aspects by examining the outbound links from Wikipedia articles to articles in scientific journals with a comparison against journal statistics from Journal Citation Reports such as impact factors. The results show an increasing use of structured citation markup and good agreement with citation patterns seen in the scientific literature though with a slight tendency to cite articles in high–impact journals such as Nature and Science. These results increase confidence in Wikipedia as a reliable information resource for science in general. (First Monday, augustus 2007)
Beyond Google: How do students conduct academic research?
This paper reports findings from an exploratory study about how students majoring in humanities and social sciences use the Internet and library resources for research. Using student discussion groups, content analysis, and a student survey, our results suggest students may not be as reliant on public Internet sites as previous research has reported. Instead, students in our study used a hybrid approach for conducting course–related research. A majority of students leveraged both online and offline sources to overcome challenges with finding, selecting, and evaluating resources and gauging professors’ expectations for quality research. (First Monday, augustus 2007)

zaterdag 8 september 2007

Simple Spark
Uitgebreide directory met web applications en services.
10 Future Web Trends
We're well into the current era of the Web, commonly referred to as Web 2.0. Features of this phase of the Web include search, social networks, online media (music, video, etc), content aggregation and syndication (RSS), mashups (APIs), and much more. Currently the Web is still mostly accessed via a PC, but we're starting to see more Web excitement from mobile devices (e.g. iPhone) and television sets (e.g. XBox Live 360). (Read/WriteWeb, 5 september 2007)
Google Custom Search: Setting The Bar For Vertical Search Engines
Google already dominates the web search market, with between approximately 55% and 65% of the market depending on who you ask. The company's flagship product has been responsible for its phenomenal growth and everyone knows that Google made its fortune by tying its genius search algorithm to advertising. It is perhaps less known, however, that the web giant has opened its search engine for use on any web site, by any service. Dubbed Google Custom Search Engine or CSE, the product exposes the API behind the world's most powerful search engine. Why is Google offering this API? How can it be used? And what is the connection to vertical search? We explore the what, how, and why of Google CSE in this post. (Read/Write Web, 6 september 2007)

Zie ook:
- Creating Google Custom Search Engines (ONLamp.com, 6 september 2007)
- Google Custom Search (Radar, 4 september 2007)
Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services
Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process. The so called Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web, is going to change this. What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites are going to be transformed into web services - and will effectively expose their information to the world. (Read/WriteWeb, 19 maart 2007)
Het web als gids
Het Internet van doolhof tot intelligente gids. (Weblog Marie-Jose Klaver, 22 augustus 2007)
40 Social Search Engines
Lijst met social search engines. (Mashable, 27 augustus 2007)