zondag 28 december 2008

HOW TO 2008: How To Do Almost Anything With Social Media
A hand-picked selection of Mashable’s social media How-To articles in 2008. (Mashable, 27 december 2008)

maandag 22 december 2008

zondag 14 december 2008

vrijdag 21 november 2008

Making Gmail Your Gateway to the Web
Some recent ways Steve Rubel has tweaked his Gmail Personal Nerve Center by connecting Gmail with other web services. (Other posts on Gmail are here.) (Micro Persuasion, 19 november 2008)

zaterdag 15 november 2008

The 10 Most Useful Google Reader Productivity Tips
Some useful tips to help you become more productive while reading feeds and therefore avoiding RSS overload. (Dumb Little Man, 14 november 2008)

zaterdag 8 november 2008

How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn
LinkedIn has a lot to offer regardless of where you are in your career, especially with the economy the way it is. (Mashable, 2 november 2008)
Best Wiki Tools And Services
Every wiki platform has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are tens of different wiki solutions out there, and it can be a daunting task to choose the wiki platform that will best suit your needs. What characteristics are most important when deciding on your wiki platform? Price? Storage? Content access control? Where do you even get started when comparing wikis? For that matter what is a wiki? In this guide to wikis, we have attempted to answer your questions, and make your search for a wiki platform much simpler. (Robin Good's Latest News, 30 oktober 2008)
How to Use the New Google Web Search RSS Feeds
Google's been the lone hold out among major search engines on RSS but the company quietly enabled feeds for web search results this week. The offering is pretty limited and frustrating, you have to go through Google Alerts to get an obscure RSS URL. A tutorial and some strategic advice in this post. (ReadWriteWeb, 30 oktober 2008)
Slow Feed Movement: 7 Tools to Filter the RSS Flood
How to cope with all the info that bombards you through your RSS feeds, Twitter and similar services? (Mashable, 30 oktober 2008)
3 Awesome Wikipedia Tools and How They Can Be Useful
A list of useful tools for Wikipedia. (Search Engine Journal, 29 oktober 2008)
KM Principles
A concise and very effective set of guidelines. (Collaborative Thinking, 13 oktober 2008)
Delen en samenwerken met web 2.0
Het internet wordt voor steeds grotere groepen een vertrouwde omgeving. Het wordt gemakkelijker te bedienen en het gaat er steeds realistischer uitzien. Dat schept verwachtingen. Wie vertrouwd raakt met de mogelijkheden van web 2.0, gaat het kantoor vanuit een ander referentiekader bekijken. (Sync, 3 november 2008)

zondag 12 oktober 2008

De 7 attitudes van de kenniswerker
Behalve kennis en ervaring, bepaalt je 'mindset', oftewel je attitudes of je succesvol zult zijn als 21e-eeuwse kenniswerker. Hoe ziet die mindset eruit? Naar analogie van Covey's 'seven habits'... zeven attitudes van de succesvolle kenniswerker. (Alles kan altijd beter, 4 oktober 2008)

maandag 29 september 2008

Make Magic with Metadata in Gmail
Personal knowledge management is becoming one of the most critical skills that information workers like journalists, marketers and PR pros need to succeed today. It's about the efficient collecting, processing and weeding of massive amounts of data. In this post tips on how to take full advantage of tagging information in Gmail. (Gmail is covered previously in this context in three separate installments.) (Micro Persuasion, 16 september 2008
How to Manage Email Overload with some help of your RSS Reader
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the sheer volume of email messages that hit your Inbox daily, try these new ideas that may help reduce your overall email burden without interrupting the incoming flow of information. (Digital Inspiration, 4 september 2008)

zondag 28 september 2008

8 Simple Tools for Better Bookmarking
New tools for social bookmarking and looking back at some old favorites. A lot has changed in the two years since the social bookmarking showdown. Users expect more than just saving bookmarks. We want to share them with friends, put them on our blog, and incorporate them into the other tools we use every day. (Webmonkey, 17 september 2008)

zaterdag 13 september 2008

De browser, de desktop en de toekomst
Hoe gaan we straks onze informatie altijd, overal en device-onafhankelijk managen? En wat betekent dit voor de rol van de browser en de desktop? (Frankwatching, 11 september 2008)

woensdag 3 september 2008

The road to Wikipedia
How do we know what we know? A new book takes a long view of knowledge, from ancient oral traditions to the rise of universities and the Internet. (Salon, 28 augustus 2008)

dinsdag 2 september 2008

Notebook 2.0: 12 Tools for Researchers
List of the best tools for researchers today. In addition to being able to saves text, audio, video and links during your research online you’ll also be able to share these collections of notes with colleagues, students or anyone else. You can also keep things private for your own research projects. Here are just some of the tools every modern researcher needs. (Mashable, 1 september 2008)

vrijdag 29 augustus 2008

Shallow Reader
I don't like to read feeds in Google Reader or in any other feed reader. After subscribing to sites that seem interesting, Google Reader makes them boring and uniform. All the subscriptions lose their identity and become random bits. There's also the pressure of having to read the new posts and clean the "inbox" which makes you skip interesting posts or just skim them. (Google Operating System, 22 augustus 2008)
Angst voor de digitale zondvloed
Is internet vol? Zal het almaar groeiende verkeer op internet het wereldwijde web lamleggen? Deskundigen zijn het oneens of er een digitale zondvloed komt. Laat staan binnen twee jaar. (NRC, 27 augustus)
Alternatieve ideeën voor Web 3.0 en het semantic web
Het idee dat computers mensen kunnen begrijpen is intrigerend. Daarom wordt er hard gewerkt aan datgene wat bekend staat als het semantic web, het web dat internetpagina’s kan begrijpen. Tot enkele jaren geleden leek alleen de klassieke benadering van Web 3.0 deze droom mogelijk te kunnen maken. Er ontstaan echter steeds meer alternatieve ideeën om het semantic web te realiseren. Wat kunnen deze alternatieven? En kunnen ze de toekomst van het web bepalen? (Frankwatching, 14 augustus 2008)

zaterdag 2 augustus 2008

50 Awesome Search Engines Every Librarian Should Know About
50 search engines, designed to pull from the Web only the information you really need. (Best Colleges Online, 22 juli 2008)

maandag 28 juli 2008

Now Do This, and The Single-Tasking Philosophy
There’s a new online to-do app that’s come out called Now Do This. (Zen Habits, 24 juli 2008)
The Ultimate RSS Toolset: 100 Online Apps and Resources
Collection of tools that will give you everything you need to get started or improve how you're working with RSS. (OEDb, 24 juli 2008)

zaterdag 26 juli 2008

The 25 Most Modern Libraries in the World
These 25 libraries, in no particular order, demonstrate how libraries have become part of the cutting edge of information management, design and Web technology, and all of them can help you get some ideas on how to bring your library into the future. (Best Colleges Online, 2 juli 2008)

maandag 7 juli 2008

7 Ways To Stay Informed And Up-To-Date Online
Considering the huge information overflow online, you can have some excellent tools which help you to effectively organize the information flow and help you stay informed and up to date everyday. (MakeUseOf.com, 7 juli 2008)

zaterdag 28 juni 2008

Europese portal voor wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vandaag lanceert DRIVER (Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research) D-NET v.1.0. Dit is een nieuw, uniek open-source softwarepakket dat een gereedschapskist aanbied waarmee Open Access publicaties uit verschillende bronnen bijeen gebracht kunnen worden. Diverse functionaliteiten voor zowel onderzoekers en lezers als beheerders van repositories en service providers zijn hierin toegepast. De ‘European Information Space’ is de portal gemaakt met de D-NET software en vormt hiermee de belangrijkste Europese portal voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek. (ScienceGuide, 27 juni 2008)

maandag 23 juni 2008

4 Ways to Quickly Create Excellent Presentations Online
ReadWriteWeb has a list of great services you can use to create presentations on the fly without downloading a thing. All you will need is an internet connection and a bit of creativity. (ReadWriteWeb, 21 juni 2008)
Drive-by Tips for Centralizing Your Content on the Internet
There are so many ways to manage information online, and many ways to centralize various types of information. The main decision is in deciding which data you want to centralize and aggregate so that you can choose the most appropriate method of pulling it all together. (Stepcase Lifehack, 16 juni 2008)
Three Little Tips for Capturing Info Bits Quickly
I consume a lot of information - all of it, digitally. In fact, I recently completed the transition a 100% media green state. I continue to use Gmail as a nerve center - my primary capture system. But sometimes, I want to flag something quickly to review later. Usually, these are tiny bits of info - notes or bookmarks - I need to capture very quickly. Here are three ways I do that. (Micro Persuasion, 21 juni 2008)

vrijdag 20 juni 2008

Gratis Lifehacking eBook!
In “100 Lifehackingtips voor prettig en efficiënt werken” staan handige, praktische en onverwachte tips voor slimmer werken. De tips of hacks zijn geschreven door vaste en gastauteurs van lifehacking.nl en bieden nieuwe inzichten en toepassingen voor iedereen die dagelijks met een computer werkt. Het boek is samengesteld uit artikelen die op Lifehacking.nl zijn verschenen. (Lifehacking.nl, 17 juni 2008)
Info Overload: The Problem
Information overload is no longer a joke. For those who suffered with this affliction, it never was, but now that there are real numbers attached to the problem, it has finally prompted companies to take action. Those numbers come from a recent study by a research company called Basex and they are to the tune of $650 billion in wasted productivity. Ironically, the time wasted comes from use of applications and technologies that are supposed to make workers more productive. Unfortunately, they seem to have the opposite effect. (ReadWriteWeb, 18 juni 2008)

zaterdag 7 juni 2008

Cool Search Engines To Remember
A small collection of unusual and fun search engines you should know about. (MakeUseOf.com, 4 juni 2008)

woensdag 4 juni 2008

Vanity Fair's oral history of the Internet
The July issue of Vanity Fair has a long and fascinating oral history of the Internet. Keenan Mayo and Peter Newcomb interviewed many of the scientists who developed it at ARPA. (Boing Boing, 4 juni 2008)
Raakt de overheid haar geheugen kwijt?
Het rijk, provincies, gemeenten en andere publieke organen behoren tot de grootste informatieverwerkers. Dat ze op dat gebied nog onvoldoende presteren, staat in een steeds groeiende stapel onderzoeken en rapporten. Onlangs nog kwamen twee adviesraden gezamenlijk met een alarmerend advies over de informatiehuishouding bij de overheid. Raakt de overheid haar geheugen kwijt? Is een informatie-infarct onafwendbaar? Of lijdt de politiek aan hardnekkige doofheid? Een diagnose van een veelkoppig probleem. (InformatieProfessional, juni 2008)

vrijdag 30 mei 2008

Boek over informatievaardigheden verschenen
Scholieren en studenten hebben moeite met het zoeken naar en het verwerken van informatie. Het pas verschenen boek Deskresearch: informatie selecteren, beoordelen en verwerken van Kees Westerkamp en Maarten van Veen biedt tips en oplossingen. (Marie-Jose Klaver, 29 mei 2008)
Semantic Search: The Myth and Reality
For a few years now people have been talking about semantic search. Any technology that stands a chance to dethrone Google is of great interest to all of us, particularly one that takes advantage of long-awaited and much-hyped semantic technologies. But no matter how much progress has been made, most of us are still underwhelmed by the results. In head-to-head comparisons with Google, the results have not come out much different. What are we doing wrong? (ReadWriteWeb, 29 mei 2008)

donderdag 29 mei 2008

Twitter for Librarians: The Ultimate Guide
Twitter is a tool that allows users to send instant messages and to social network via short messages, also known as micro-blogs. Users can create Twitter messages, more commonly called tweets, through their Twitter pages, IMs, Facebook accounts, emails or text messages from their mobile phones. Other users can subscribe to your Twitter profile and likewise, you can subscribe to theirs. For many, it’s a great way to stay in touch with friends, family and even complete strangers over the Web. (College@Home, 27 mei 2008)

zondag 25 mei 2008

Top 10 Ways to Search Wikipedia
Wikipedia, which turned 7 this year, is a source of information for 683 million visitors every year. A poster child for user-generated content, Wikipedia has grown from its first year in which just 12 articles were created to over 10 million today in 253 different languages. That's a whole lot of content, and naturally, being able to easily search it would be helpful for anyone wanting to get the most out of the web's favorite encyclopedia. You could use the site's official search engine, or you could search Google for "site:wikipedia.org" ... or you could use one of the 10 alternative methods below (in no particular order). (ReadWriteWeb, 21 mei 2008)

zaterdag 17 mei 2008

Why Gen Y Is Going to Change the Web
Gen Y is taking over. The generation of young adults that's composed of the children of Boomers, Generation Jones, and even some Gen X'ers, is the biggest generation since the Baby Boomers and three times the size of Gen X. As the Boomers fade into retirement and Gen Y takes root in the workplace, we're going to see some big changes ahead, not just at work, but on the web as a whole. (ReadWriteWeb, 15 mei 2008)

woensdag 14 mei 2008

Knowledge Management in 2020
It's 2020. Trying times for the global economy and society, but we're still hanging in there. (How to Save the World, 2 mei 2008)

dinsdag 13 mei 2008

Tips For Dealing With Information Overload
“What are your top tips for dealing with information overflow?” (Google Blogoscoped, 9 mei 2008)
Zelfkennismanagement en Personal Branding van de nieuwe professional
Aan de hand van de ontwikkelingen die worden beschreven in de boeken van Daniel Pink en Yochai Benkler laat van der Meij zien hoe modern Persoonlijk Kennismanagement (PKM) eruit ziet en waarom dat van belang is voor de (informatie-) professional van nu. De 'weerbarstige realiteit' van nieuw leiderschap krijgt daarbij ook aandacht. Rattengedrag van medewerkers kan alleen welig tieren als de sturing vanuit een organisatie gebrekkig is. (ZB Digitaal, 7 mei 2008)

maandag 12 mei 2008

Diigo: All Things to All Bookmarks
Most web workers use some sort of online bookmarking service. We recognize that our brains can only hold so much information, and it’s useful to have our pointers available no matter where we happen to be. But how do you decide which service to use? With its version 3 relaunch, Diigo has an answer to that question: they’ve piled on the features to become the most comprehensive bookmarking site around. Whether you’ll use all of those features is another question, but their combination is at least worth a look. (Web Worker Daily, 24 maart 2008)
The Semantic Web takes shape, with Twine
This one is worth waiting for: Twine. Still in private beta, at its most basic it is shared bookmarking service. It blends additional concepts from newsgroups, forums, social networking sites, online databases, and wikis. There's a lot of semantic Web theory (and technology) underneath the interface, which still needs to evolve a bit, but even in this early stage it's a compelling product. (Webware, 7 maart 2008)

vrijdag 2 mei 2008

A list of RSS tools
A list with a description and concise assessment of each tool. (A Feed Is Born, 6 april 2008)
Brain Tickler Tools for Story Ideas
Brain Tickler Tools for Story Ideas: Part 1; Part 2. (Web Worker Daily, 8 en 15 april 2008)
An Ode to RSS, On RSS Awareness Day
Reflection on the world-changing tool that RSS is, and consider how different our lives would be without it. (ReadWriteWeb, 1 mei 2008)
Nederlandse biblioblogosphere wiki en nieuwe zoekmachine
Drie informatiespecialisten en bibliobloggers hebben een wiki en een zoekmachine gelanceerd voor de Nederlandse biblioblogosfeer. Het streven van Wouter Gerritsma, Ronald van Dieën en Dymphie is om zoveel mogelijk biblioblogs op te nemen in de wiki. (Dee’tjes, 24 april 2008)

maandag 28 april 2008

Google Tutor
Site met instructies, tips en advies voor Googlegebruikers.

zondag 20 april 2008

10 Gmail Tips and Time-Savers
A few tips on customizing your setup, optimizing searches, and more can save you lots of time. (Web Worker Daily, 16 april 2008)

zondag 13 april 2008

Een andere definitie van Web 3.0
N.a.v het interview met Andrew Keen in de Volkskrant van 5 april 2008. (WoW! Wouter over het Web, 6 april 2008)

vrijdag 11 april 2008

De betekenis van Web 3.0 en het semantic web
Het semantic web (of “Web 3.0″) is hot. Maar, wat is het semantic web eigenlijk? (Frankwatching, 11 april 2008|)
De betekenis van semantische web: Nova Spivack op The Next Web 2008
Nova Spivack over het semantische web tijdens de Next Web Conference. (Frankwatching, 11 april 2008)
Seven Tips for Making the Most of Your RSS Reader
RSS is a big deal, as anyone who's subscribed to even a few feeds probably knows. Once you get past just a few feeds, though, it can quickly get overwhelming. RSS can leave you feeling inadequate, brain-dead and uninspired. (ReadWriteWeb, 10 april 2008)

dinsdag 8 april 2008

Wiki's Waarheid
Google of Wikipedia? Wie zoekt op internet - en wie doet dat niet? - wordt steeds vaker verwezen naar Wikipedia. Deze gratis online ‘volksencyclopedie’ is sinds twee jaar de snelste stijger op lijstjes van meest bezochte websites. Maar weten we eigenlijk wel wat we gebruiken? Tegenlicht duikt in het verhaal achter Wikipedia en ontdekt de wondere wereld van web 2.0: hype of revolutie? (Tegenlicht, 7 april 2008)

zaterdag 5 april 2008

Content Tagging: What Are Tags And Why They Are So Important For Web Publishers
Tagging content has become over the last few years an important component of the online publishing process as it allows editors to extend the reference labels, associations and search keywords by which any type of content can be found. (Robin Good, 1 april 2008)
The Internet and its hierarchy of needs
Kaila Colbin of the VortexDNA blog has a great series on the evolution of the internet, inspired by Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. It starts here and then goes through the five stages separately. (P2P Foundation, 31 maart 2008)

woensdag 26 maart 2008

Semantic Web Patterns: A Guide to Semantic Technologies
In this article, we'll analyze the trends and technologies that power the Semantic Web. We'll identify patterns that are beginning to emerge, classify the different trends, and peak into what the future holds. (ReadWriteWeb, 25 maart 2008)

zondag 23 maart 2008

Digg, Wikipedia, and the myth of Web 2.0 democracy
It's getting harder to be a Wikipedia-hater. The user-generated and -edited online encyclopedia—which doesn't even require contributors to register—somehow holds its own against the Encyclopedia Britannica in accuracy, a Nature study concluded, and has many times more entries. But even though people are catching up to the idea that Wikipedia is a force for good, there are still huge misconceptions about what makes the encyclopedia tick. While Wikipedia does show the creative potential of online communities, it's a mistake to assume the site owes its success to the wisdom of the online crowd. (Slate, 22 februari 2008)
35 Cool Gmail Hacks
The Top 100 Productivity and Lifehack Blogs
Get Printable Wikipedia Article Summaries with Lexisum
When you need a quick explanation about something from the Wikipedia but don't want all the formatting, images, and steps it takes to search the site, head over to Lexisum, a Wikipedia lookup webapp. (Lifehacker, 17 maart 2008)
7 Tips to Make Reading RSS Not Feel like a Chore
Reading your RSS feeds should not feel like a chore — it should be something fun that you enjoy doing. Afterall, these are feeds that you have chosen to subscribe to yourself! (Jonlee.ca, 5 november 2007)
A simple picture of Web evolution
Korte ontwikkelingsschets van het internet. (Web 2.0 Explorer, 5 november 2007)
Het sociale web: vermenging, concentratie en… passie
Lorcan Dempsey geeft op zijn blog een mooie beschouwing van web 2.0: The Two Ways of Web 2.0. Hij maakt binnen ‘2.0′ een onderscheid tussen het vermengen van allerlei technieken, platformen en data (diffusie) en de concentratie van gebruikers, data, communicatie en computercapaciteit. (Sync, 10 maart 2008)

zaterdag 22 maart 2008

10 reasons why librarians should use Exalead
A survey of Exalead. (Phil Bradley's weblog, 11 maart 2008)
Top 20 Online presentatie tools
PowerPoint Passé? Keynote kansloos? Voorlopig nog niet, maar de concurrentie online neemt wel sterk toe! (Frankwatching, 21 februari 2008)
14 “other” Ways to Use RSS Feeds
Undeniably RSS is one of the best things that has happened to the web after email. Not only has it made browsing a lot more productive, convenient, fun … you name it, but it has also introduced a number of new ways to interact with content that we could never have imagined before. While you’re most probably already familiar with the idea of RSS feeds and Feedreader (No? See this video) , there are several other ways you can make use of feeds. (MakeUseOf, 22 februari 2008)
Five Methodologies to Deal with Email Overload
These days, it seems everyone has an opinion about how to deal with information overload, especially when it comes to email management. There are numerous methodologies, best practices, tips, and tutorials available, but are any of them really effective? We'll explore that question as we delve into the top five email management methodologies. (ReadWriteWeb, 20 maart 2008)
Wat is Web 2.0? Basisbegrippen visueel uitgelegd
Een beeld zegt meer dan duizend woorden. De mensen van Common Craft hebben begrepen hoe je kristalhelder lastige woorden als RSS, social bookmarking, Wiki, social networking en document sharing uitlegt. Met eenvoudige animaties en een voice over visualiseren zij de meerwaarde en de werking van deze concepten. Als je weinig tijd hebt en je wilt de basisprincipes begrijpen, dan hoef je alleen maar even achterover te leunen en elk van deze video’s te bekijken. Op Dotsub.com kan je al deze films met Nederlandse ondertiteling bekijken. (Sanne Roemen, 31 januari 2008)
6 Ways to Filter Your RSS Feeds
RSS is easily one of the best things to happen to web publishing in the past 10 years. It allows users to easily keep track of news from multiple web sites because updates are delivered directly to them. But the problem many people face is that there are so many sources of information that we're trying to keep track of, we've become buried. Information overload is a real problem for many web users, and one way to cope with it is to filter your RSS feeds so you only see what you want to see. (ReadWriteWeb, 4 maart 2008)