woensdag 26 maart 2008

Semantic Web Patterns: A Guide to Semantic Technologies
In this article, we'll analyze the trends and technologies that power the Semantic Web. We'll identify patterns that are beginning to emerge, classify the different trends, and peak into what the future holds. (ReadWriteWeb, 25 maart 2008)

zondag 23 maart 2008

Digg, Wikipedia, and the myth of Web 2.0 democracy
It's getting harder to be a Wikipedia-hater. The user-generated and -edited online encyclopedia—which doesn't even require contributors to register—somehow holds its own against the Encyclopedia Britannica in accuracy, a Nature study concluded, and has many times more entries. But even though people are catching up to the idea that Wikipedia is a force for good, there are still huge misconceptions about what makes the encyclopedia tick. While Wikipedia does show the creative potential of online communities, it's a mistake to assume the site owes its success to the wisdom of the online crowd. (Slate, 22 februari 2008)
35 Cool Gmail Hacks
The Top 100 Productivity and Lifehack Blogs
Get Printable Wikipedia Article Summaries with Lexisum
When you need a quick explanation about something from the Wikipedia but don't want all the formatting, images, and steps it takes to search the site, head over to Lexisum, a Wikipedia lookup webapp. (Lifehacker, 17 maart 2008)
7 Tips to Make Reading RSS Not Feel like a Chore
Reading your RSS feeds should not feel like a chore — it should be something fun that you enjoy doing. Afterall, these are feeds that you have chosen to subscribe to yourself! (Jonlee.ca, 5 november 2007)
A simple picture of Web evolution
Korte ontwikkelingsschets van het internet. (Web 2.0 Explorer, 5 november 2007)
Het sociale web: vermenging, concentratie en… passie
Lorcan Dempsey geeft op zijn blog een mooie beschouwing van web 2.0: The Two Ways of Web 2.0. Hij maakt binnen ‘2.0′ een onderscheid tussen het vermengen van allerlei technieken, platformen en data (diffusie) en de concentratie van gebruikers, data, communicatie en computercapaciteit. (Sync, 10 maart 2008)